Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices make food tastier while boosting your health, We should be cooking with herbs and spices regularly — and, if possible, using several at a time.

Herbs are the leaves of a plant, like basil, while spices, like cinnamon, are typically produced from a plant’s seeds, berries, bark, or roots. Both are used for food flavoring, but research indicates that they are full of healthy compounds and can have health benefits. Herbs and spices combat inflammation and minimize damage to the cells of your body, since each one is rich in good plant chemicals, which are phytochemicals.


Compounds from herbs and spices as well as the other ingredients you consume work together to provide the health benefits. 

Well Dried In a Humid Free Storage

Better Raw Herbs, Spices and Special Blends Instead of Pharma Capsules!

Certain herbs and spices are marketed as supplements (Artificial oils or herbs extract capsules). If your doctor advises otherwise, “instead of taking it in pill form, it’s safer to eat the herb or spice.” And here are some of Mandisa Special Blends which are hand crafted by our experts that can be used for many healthy benefits:

Focus Blend is a special mix from Fenugreek, Clove and Cinnamon, It Helps as anti inflammatory, improve brain functions, strengthen your immune system and increase energy levels.
Relax Blend is made from Basil and Red Rose, It Helps in reducing stress and anxiety, promote mental balance fight depression and insomnia.
Digestive Blend contains Caraway, Wormwood and Chamomile and its very useful to improve your digestion process, relief colon inflammation,helps in cure stomach ulcers and balance liver enzymes.
Breathe Well Blend is a special blend made of Thyme, Chamomile, Cinnamon and Licorice, It’s useful for relief coughing, improve the efficiency of respiratory system, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory.
Waterway Blend is useful for gallstones, kidney stones prevention, anti-inflammatory, Its mix of Ammi seed, Fennel seed and Barley helps in producing antioxidants and improvement in kidneys activities.
Winter Is Coming Blend, The ingredients of this blend are mainly Chamomile, Lemon, Anise and Licorice which is useful for slowing osteoporosis, Protect and help to cure cold and flu, fever and throat pain.

Try Mandisa Essential Oils Collection - Know The Benefits